In The Name Of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

"Sadaqa extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire"

Publicerad 2013-12-01 18:00:00 i Allmänt,


Vintern är här och vi förbereder oss genom att ta fram vinterkläderna. Andra har inte den möjligheten. I ett tält kramar en moder om sitt barn i ett desperat försök att värma barnet. Det här kan vara den sista natten barnet är vid liv. Vintern är hård och lämnar djupa spår. Vuxna och framförallt barn dör av kyla. Invånarna i det hårt drabbade Syrien har varken ytterkläder eller filtar att värma sig med.


Invånarna dör av den bittra kylan! Låt oss hjälpas åt och värma dem under denna vinter. Den förra vintern var den kallaste vintern i Syrien på 20 år. Vinterkläder och varma filtar kommer delas ut i det drabbade Syrien. Var med och bidra till en varmare vinter!


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Publicerad 2013-10-21 14:41:38 i Allmänt,

Elhamdulillah for every blessing, elhamdulillah for everything. Alla praise is to You, Allah, the Almighty, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe.

Subhan Allah

Publicerad 2013-06-19 10:03:00 i Allmänt,

You are a fool if you think you made it on your own. Even the devil believes in God so what does that make you!!!! Subhan Allah!

Tranquility and Peace

Publicerad 2013-05-22 13:17:00 i Allmänt,

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
1. The length of your life has already been decided upon, for everything takes places according to preordainment and decree. So there is no need to feel anxious in that regard.
2. The decision of how much sustenance any one of us receives is with Allah alone: no one else owns that sustenance or has the power to take it from you.
3. The past is gone and has taken with it its woes and miseries. It cannot return even if the whole of mankind worked as one unit to bring it back.
4. The future is from the unseen world and has not yet arrived. It brings with it matters, showing no regard to your permission or feelings, so do not call it forth until it actually arrives.
5. Doing good to others brings happiness to both the heart and the soul. A good deed provides greater benefits to the benefactor - in terms of blessings and recompense and peace - then it does to the receiver.
6. Among the noble qualities of the believer is that he doesn't concern himself with spurious criticism. No one has been saved from curses and criticism (...).
La Tahzan (Don’t be sad)
By Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni
Translated by: Faisal ibn Muhammad Shafeeq, 2nd ed. Riyadh 2005 Publisher: International Islamic Publishing House

Allah ❤

Publicerad 2013-04-07 20:16:02 i Allmänt,

 And if this earth closes in on you in spite of its vastness, and your soul closes is on you because of what it’s carrying, call out, “Oh Allah!” If solutions run out, and paths are constricted, and ropes are cut off, and your hopes are no more, call out, “Oh Allah.”

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