In The Name Of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Worship Allah with love, fear and hope.

Publicerad 2013-11-26 18:01:00 i By erme,

Bismillahi ar-Rahman ar-Rahim - In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
It is easy to love our Creator...just think about all the blessings He gives us..ability to breath, speak, feel, things we take for granted every single day. Subhan'Allah! If it was not for Allahs Mercy I would not be able to even write this message, a message that I sincerly hope will with Allah's help get to you in order to reflect over all the blessings, and feel sincere gratitude. Elhamdulillah.
We ask Allah swt to give us things, to provide us with this and that all the time. And we get almost everything we ask for. The few things we don't get, Allah swt provide us with something even better then that we asked for in the first place. Subhan'Allah this is our Lord, the Most Merciful, Ar-Rahman, Ar-Rahim. And how could we not love Him, how could we not be grateful? So for the sake of this beautiful love always do good and encourage other to do so (a reminder to myself first and foremost). 
O Allah! We ask You to forgive our sins before we leave this place. Let our good efforts be met with Your gratitude, our good deeds be profitable, and our deeds successful. O You The Most Merciful. Amin!
And what about fear..If you sincerly love someone, you fear of loosing the one you love, you don't want to dissapoint or do harm to that person, am I right? How then about the fear for our Lord!? If we love Allah swt most, we don't want to do things that He dissaproves! We should not do things He dissaproves, our actions should reflect our love for Him. If we fear Allah, then we should stay away from bad actions and encourage others to stay away from them too (a reminder to myself first and foremost). 
"When Allah completed the creation, He wrote in His book which is with Him on His throne, "My mercy has overcome My anger." 
And hope..Allah swt says in the Quran: Say: "O My servants who have transgressed against your own souls: do not despair of God's mercy,for God forgives all sins. It is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful." We should never lose hope, only the disbelievers lose hope in the Mercy of Allah! This is our Lord, the most Comapssionate, the most Merciful, the Almighty One. How could you not worship Him, how could you not love him!? Subhan'Allah!
O Allah! We ask You for everything that is good, in this life and the Hereafter, whether we know it or not; and we seek Your protection from everything that is bad, in this world or the Hereafter, whether we know it or not.Amin!
O Allah! Relieve the distressed ones of their worries and the oppressed ones of their troubles. Settle the debts for the indebted persons and give cure to the sick, whether they are blood brothers or brothers in Islam. Amin!
Elhamdulillah for Islam, elhamdulullah for the love!


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